A Product Guide Created By People Who Run Projects

These 5 project management tools come with a ticketing system

Delivering successful projects is as much about the right tools as it is about good planning. For growing companies, managing tasks effectively and delivering excellent customer service are among the highest priorities – and they require strong multitasking aptitude.

These companies are therefore falling on software tools that can multitask between organizing the work plan and offering customers ‘Level of Service A’. You know what they say: “killing two birds with one stone”, in our case, it is completing two high level tasks with one software. This is where a good project management tool with a ticketing system comes in.

Small software companies need to maintain a small staff size – for obvious reasons – and yet they often need to manage vast workloads and serve a large customer base. Therefore, it is not only reasonable for them to employ an effective project management tool with a ticketing system, but it is also absolutely necessary.

If you are a growing software company and looking for a solid project tool that can handle tickets, the following overview of relevant solutions might be helpful.

Tools presented in this article:

Projektron BCS

With a proven track record of delivering top-notch project management assistance to its users, Projektron BCS certainly deserves a spot on this list. It is the go-to online project management tool among many industry hotshots.

This software gives you clairvoyance by allowing you to track the progress of the project through active recording of proceedings. It is easily accessible online with flexible permissions. It also promises easy personalization and a team of consultants standing by to provide assistance to clients. The software vendor, Projektron, has been in the business a long time, you can trust their product. Plus, they are willing to give you a free walkthrough of the software; all you to do is ask!

Projektron BCS is a project management software with ticketing included
Projektron BCS is a project management software with ticketing included (source: Projektron BCS)

Projektron BCS is also fitted with the all-important ticketing system add-on. Meaning it is custom built to serve as an able virtual customer-service-administrative assistant. Projektron BCS’ ticketing system allows you to engage with your customers in an easy and transparent way.

It facilitates optimized customer communication by using ‘tickets’ to collect and submit customer queries to the customer support agent. The Customer Support Agent need not worry anymore about the volume of customer queries, because the tool has them covered.

By committing customer reservations to memory, the tool presents an efficient way to serve each customer and still have enough time manage other tasks. Some interesting functions include internal tickets; a creative way to coordinate company-internal services and an option to save all charts as scalable SVG graphics.

Another is a smart way of ensuring the privacy of the company and the customer by using separate servers in the storage of tickets. Overall, the ticketing system offers flexible service hours and transparency in the management of tasks and customers. We recommend you give the software a try!

More about Projektron BCS

Blue Ant

Blue Ant by Proventis is another project management software with ticketing included. BlueAnt aims to help you realize your project scheduled goals by keeping you posted on the progress. The platform is into everything from portfolio management, project management and resource management.

If you want software-based assistance in project planning, Blue Ant is the tool for you. It uses a combination of clever features such as template management, interactive Gantt Chart views, and Central To-do lists to give you a transparent project planning experience.

Blue Ant is a project software with ticketing feature included
Blue Ant is a project software with ticketing included

Another good news is it is compatible with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project, making ‘portability’ of project data to these apps possible.

Like every superior project management tool, BlueAnt includes a ticketing system. You see, this tool understands the needs of the customer, as well as the challenges smaller software companies face in serving these customers, hence the integrated ticketing solution.

Blue Ant designed its ticketing system to assemble all scheduled tasks in one place and keep them in remembrance, to the end that ad hoc tasks are not sidelined. This strategy addresses issues with workflow configuration, billing category, warning mechanisms among others, significantly reducing the workload of customer service agents.

More about BlueAnt


Were we just about to forget about OneDesk? Not a chance! Not after it has proven to be one of the most resourceful project management and ticketing software. Think project multitasking, think OneDesk! Like other good project management tools, OneDesk helps you with good project planning, and modelling of coherent Gantt charts.

Do not worry, you can also keep an eye on issues coming up during project implementation over here. The interface is clean and easy to use. Here, your team members in the office can join a cross-platform network where they can interact easily with each other via emails and virtual meetings.

The ticketing system allows you to sync your workflows to tickets, maintain a reminder of new project requests and enhance your customer engagement response period all in one place. Too good to be true? and yet it’s true! Over here, your cherished customers can engage with you via tickets, email, live chat and web-forms.

Wow, but could it work in conjunction with other apps? Indeed, it can. On this platform, you are given everything you need to organize your work plan and make customers happy at the same time. OneDesk prides itself as one of the foremost helpdesks and project management tools on the market today.

More about OneDesk

Jira + Gantt chart plugin

Jira is an ambitious and comprehensive project management software used in larger companies. Use it to keep your team members posted on the day-to-day administration of the project. This platform also plans and tracks project progress with ease.

If you want to produce a high quality technical-project report and get a standing-ovation for the presentation, you might want to give this a try. It also allows you to build workflows and upgrade it with other tools like Confluence and Bitbucket (both Atlassian products). Jira places emphasis on shipping speed as well.

Interesting, Jira approaches the whole project management cum ticketing system differently. You only need get the software, and download one of their Gantt Chart plugins as well and we are good to go! BigGantt is one such plugin: it is agile friendly, and could be used for project planning and management, dependency visualization and data control. Jira is however suitable for large scale companies rather than small ones because the price is a bit steep.

More about Jira


I am a project manager, I want to beat my deadlines, and achieve my goals – to Wrike then. Wrike has zero tolerance for low productivity. It can be used to study project progress with advanced reporting tools to curb low productivity.

Fancy connecting project effort with real time results? Wrike is the answer. Fancy upping the visual presentation of your project progress, it is Wrike you are looking for! Or maybe all you want is to alternate between the Gantt Chart and the Kanban boards, Wrike has got you covered. Wrike’s agile projects formula would save your team time and stress; you should try it.

Wrike also believes in a good ticketing system. It believes good tickets process requests better and ultimately do both the company and the customer plenty of good. With Wrike, you get to fix yourself your own workflow, according to your needs and specifications. You can use their template to create your ticket in only a few steps.

Simplicity is a theme here, as demonstrated in the way to handle a ticket: ticket arrives, you assign and tag and then you track and deliver, period.

More about Wrike


Smaller software companies are all looking to rub shoulders with the software heavyweights someday. This would only be possible if they coordinate their projects and deal with their customers in the best way possible. After all, a company is only as big as its projects and its customer base, right?

Well, the perfect tool to help these companies achieve their goals is the project management software with the ticketing system. And we have seen how Projektron BCS, OneDesk, BluAnt, Jira and Wrike have distinguished themselves as among the best in the business. If you ever have to manage a project with one hand and handle customer enquiries with another, be sure to look no further.